If you have a valid Access Pennsylvania Library card from your home library, you are welcome to check out materials according to borrowing periods and limits from the Abington Township Public Library. You will be responsible, as our residents are, for returning on time and in good condition any materials checked out on your card. If you do not have a valid Access Pennsylvania Library card, you may use any materials in our Library, you cannot check anything out.
Proper ID and a completed application are required, as described above. Once you have your card, you can use it at almost any public library in the state of Pennsylvania. If you do not have a card from your home library but reside in Montgomery County, contact your home/local library.
Please alert us immediately if your card is lost or stolen. You are responsible for returning on time and in good condition any items borrowed with it.
Therefore, cards must not be loaned to others. To replace a lost card: come to the library with identification. Card replacement cost is $3.00.
If you have any questions please email us: abgcirc@mclinc.org or call the Circulation Desk at 215-885-5180, ext. 110.