Young Adult

The Young Adult collection is comprised of fiction, non-fiction, audio book and graphic novel titles selected specifically to meet the recreational and information needs of young adults. The fiction collection consists primarily of young adult novels and genre literature covering mystery, science fiction, fantasy, and romance. Fiction is a balance of paperback and hardback formats recognizing that each format meets various needs of young adults. The non-fiction collection provides information on high interest topics and homework support. Graphic novels are selected from the same fiction genre listed above, as well as from nonfiction works of interest to teens. Audio books will be purchased in CD format.

Influencing Factors

The problems, adventures, and topics of interest confronting teens on a daily basis are the factors to consider when selecting titles. Young adult current fiction should be purchased in hardback and paperback formats, with additional copies in paperback added for highly circulated titles. Popular series titles will continue to be included in the Young Adult collection and need to be periodically evaluated for use since they tend to be series inspired by popular television shows.

Selection Plan

The tools of selection for young adult fiction include Booklist, VOYA, KLIATT, Ingram Advance, and School Library Journal. Publishers’ catalogs, such as those from Bantam, Dell, Random House, and Fawcett are also used. Selection tools for graphic novels include Library Journal, Publisher’s Weekly, and titles displayed in local book stores. Attention is paid to award-winning and best titles for young adults published in VOYA and SLJ.

Selection tools for the audio book collection, in addition to the above, are Listening Library, Audiofile and Recorded Books catalogs.

Retention & Weeding

Due to space limitations and circulation statistics, only popular, circulating titles are retained. Weeding is continuous as new materials of current need and interest replace worn, outdated or seldom used titles. Sources such as Public Library Catalog or Best Books for Young Adults, and other reliable sources may be checked before a specific title is withdrawn.

2004/rev 2010